Life here has been quiet for the past week or so since DH got home from his " Big White Hunting Trip " with our " boys " . This is the first year they got " skunked " and came home empty handed . I don't know whether they were upset about it as they still had a great time . It was the first time I could honestly say I could hardly wait for them to come home too ! I don't do " BORED " well ! Besides the fact we had a few very wet snowfalls that I could not shovel so it piled up , froze and then melted and created a whole lot of ice .............. on our driveway ! For those of you that don't know , our driveway has an incline on it so when it is icy , it is a BITCH to say the least !!!! I hate ice , I hate the fear of falling and most of all , I hate my driveway at any time of the year !!!!
Anyways , DH arrived home safe and sound so we spent one day doing laundry and he was a big help being I couldn't fold nor do any ironing ( yes , I am blessed with a man that likes to have his bluejeans and his shirts pressed ! Lucky ME ..... NOT ! ) . When all was said and done by Monday morning he wasn't well and never made it back to his office until Thursday . No he didn't have piggy flu but other problems related to the Crohn's disease . Wednesday morning found him in the X-ray department as the specialist was checking for a blockage ! By early evening we found out that wasn't the problem which was a HUGE relief as he would have been in surgery immediately !!!! Fortunately some added meds helped him feel more human and he did manage to go back to work for Thursday and Friday . He feels so guilty when he doesn't make it in and that just creates more of a problem for him healthwise ........ it is a vicious cycle !
I am still taking physio for my thumb .... it is slowly starting to feel better and I am actually able to move it some now . Hopefully by the end of next week it will feel even better ! I did go spend an afternoon trying to make a birthday card but it was slow going and I was in pain come evening .... but it is liveable now and the light is at the end of the tunnel !!!
I am off to see 3 of the Grandkids tomorrow for a few days . #2 granddaughter is celebrating her 13th birthday on Tuesday ! Seems like just yesterday she was fighting to come into this world and now she is becoming a teenager * snicker * .................... I think she will give her Mother a run for her money the same as her Mother gave us ! LOL ! I am hoping the weather will stay fairly nice for my visit as we hope to get some shopping in .... still have Christmas presents to buy !
Have a great week and hope everybody finds time to relax and enjoy life !!!
About Me

- Donna C
- BC, Canada
- I have been married to the same guy for a LONG time ! We have 3 grown children and the 5 loves of our lives that they have given us ... 4 girls and one boy ! I have been crafting all my life and found my true addiction when I taught myself to use Copic Markers and introduced them into my card making ! I am NOT certified in the use of Copics but that doesn't stop me from creating with them ! I always been a bit of a crafting rebel and don't follow directions well !I love crafting with my hands and seldom will you find them idle as they usually have a crochet hook , knitting needles or a book in them . Exercise is not my strong suit ! LOL ! My husband and I also love camping in our RV ( weather permitting ... as in NO snow !) so most weekends from Spring to Fall you find us camped somewhere with our 3 Yorkies .... though don't tell them they aren't BIG dogs ! Hope you enjoy my little touch of my life .... the creative and the real life !
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
thanks Lisa !
my friend LISA posted this cute little Blogger award on her blog ( click her name and it will take you there ! ) and asked that in order for us to claim the award that we post 7 things about us that you may not know and to link on 7 MORE bloggers ( sounds like a chain letter ! LOL ) .......... well I am good to go on the 7 things you may not know about me but I don't know 7 bloggers ( I read many though ! ) other then a few she already linked .... so go read her post and visit them through her ! So here goes ..... 7 things you may not know about me !
1....... I am a terrible klutz !!!! This year as been a trial with falls and silly things happening to me !
2..... Have been married to the same guy for 36 years after only knowing him for less then 6 months . I was 18 !
3...... I wear mustard well ....... it finds me whereever I am in a room ! ( that is also saying I wear my food well ! LOL )
4..... I was the clinging child that never left my Mother when I was little . I was the one that has moved the farthest away and traveled the furthest on holidays though .
5. .... I started sewing when I was 6 years old .... and now never touch my sewing machine .
6. ..... I still have my wisdom teeth ! Pretty rare for this day and age !
7....... I do NOT drive ( unless you consider that I drive my husband crazy ! )
So there you have it ....
1....... I am a terrible klutz !!!! This year as been a trial with falls and silly things happening to me !
2..... Have been married to the same guy for 36 years after only knowing him for less then 6 months . I was 18 !
3...... I wear mustard well ....... it finds me whereever I am in a room ! ( that is also saying I wear my food well ! LOL )
4..... I was the clinging child that never left my Mother when I was little . I was the one that has moved the farthest away and traveled the furthest on holidays though .
5. .... I started sewing when I was 6 years old .... and now never touch my sewing machine .
6. ..... I still have my wisdom teeth ! Pretty rare for this day and age !
7....... I do NOT drive ( unless you consider that I drive my husband crazy ! )
So there you have it ....
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Coffee KiKi
So for the lucky Birthday Girl that will get this on her birthday .... Have a SPARKLY FUN Birthday !
Saturday, November 14, 2009
BORING !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well sitting on my hinny for this past few days not playing in my crappy room with all my paper , ink and stamps is definitely NOT how I had planned spending my " holiday " of free time ! I do not do " hand rest " well ! My friend Lisa just sent me an envelope full of Magnolia images to color too .... not to be mean but because we have been exchanging stamped images to color . It keeps the cost down that way as we can be a bit more selective of which stamps we are buying ( Yeah , do you believe that ? More like then we know which ones we REALLY need to buy ! LOL ) . Now I have LOTS of new images to color when I am able but for now they are sitting on my desk WAITING for me ........
DH and our boys ( well guys as they are 35 and 29 ! ) have headed up North for 10 days on their yearly guy bonding / hunting trip . They don't rough it as they are staying in the back country with a friend of DH's . They have their own sleeping quarters , cooking facilities , showers , TV and satellite and access to a whole camp for that matter ! They are treated like kings with no roughing it involved . Their cell phones work great where they are too so IF they turn them on , then they can be reached .
I usually love my time away from the routine of cooking and cleaning but being I am unable to play right now am finding this BORING ! I have sat on my hinny way more then I should reading or watching TV and movies . I am not one to watch a lot of TV .... it is on more for background noise while I play . The neighbor has been great taking me to therapy and then for coffee but the days still are long ........ I don't know that I am even going to get my Christmas cards made now or signed if they were made as I still can not hold a pen for any length of time so I know I can not use my Copics either ....... Maybe I will just make New Year's cards and send them in January !
This is what I see from the doorway ......... an older photo as I have cleaned up , purged and changed the layout on the top of my desk . I actually have a new lamp too which will work So much better as it is an OTT desk lamp ...... great light and it doesn't colapse like this one does ! LOL !
This is what is calling me every time I walk down my hallway !!! I store my Copic markers in 2 Quickut Magpie Storage units that I bought of ..... shipping was almost as much as the units but so worth it ! My desk , paper tray and storage units come from Best Craft Organizer Scrapbook Shelf and I LOVE these units ... as does DH as he says for the first time my room looks neat and organized ( well most of the time ! LOL )
The Stickles containers are just sitting to fill up empty holes .... the compartments are not full of them .... seriously though I DO love my Stickles ! ( Glitter glue for those of you that don't paper craft ! )
Not sure how this next week will play out here but I hope you all have a great week .... play how you will and enjoy life ! I am sure I can dig through my HUGE stack of pocketbooks ( yes I " collect " those too ! ) and watch a few more movies and I will relax ..... and dream of my crappy room ! I may even post a card that is finished on my desk at some point over the next day or two ....... nd it isn't a Magnolia stamp so stay tuned !
DH and our boys ( well guys as they are 35 and 29 ! ) have headed up North for 10 days on their yearly guy bonding / hunting trip . They don't rough it as they are staying in the back country with a friend of DH's . They have their own sleeping quarters , cooking facilities , showers , TV and satellite and access to a whole camp for that matter ! They are treated like kings with no roughing it involved . Their cell phones work great where they are too so IF they turn them on , then they can be reached .
I usually love my time away from the routine of cooking and cleaning but being I am unable to play right now am finding this BORING ! I have sat on my hinny way more then I should reading or watching TV and movies . I am not one to watch a lot of TV .... it is on more for background noise while I play . The neighbor has been great taking me to therapy and then for coffee but the days still are long ........ I don't know that I am even going to get my Christmas cards made now or signed if they were made as I still can not hold a pen for any length of time so I know I can not use my Copics either ....... Maybe I will just make New Year's cards and send them in January !
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
I Remember
I remember standing in the cold at as a child watching the Canadian Legion members placed wreaths at the base of the cenitaph ( I never could spell the name properly ! ) in our small town . I am a child of the '50's so we had many hometown vets and I probably knew everyone of them . I don't know what they saw or what they experienced ... some were heroes that fought more then one war on far away lands and others never left Canada . Every story was unique , some to be told over and over and some never to be mentioned . Some people were mear shells of themselves that were haunted by dreams of times past , some were war brides brought from far countries to a home they knew nothing about and they mourned for the families they lost or left behind and the country that was their homelands . We were raised with Germans , Italians , Japanese , Chinese , the Polish , the Jews and others ... we lived in our small town without prejudism ( or we never knew there was any ! ) and accepted everybody as neighbours .
Our small town lost more then one brother , husband , son and daughter during the wars of the past and we honored them every year on November 11th . We wore our red poppies with pride that the ladies of the Legion came into our classrooms and gave us every year . We were taught to respect our vets and cherish the life we had been gived because of these vets that kept our land free .
I thank each of the members of the military past and present that have given so much of themselves to keep us free and protect what a great country we have ....
" Least we forget "
Our small town lost more then one brother , husband , son and daughter during the wars of the past and we honored them every year on November 11th . We wore our red poppies with pride that the ladies of the Legion came into our classrooms and gave us every year . We were taught to respect our vets and cherish the life we had been gived because of these vets that kept our land free .
I thank each of the members of the military past and present that have given so much of themselves to keep us free and protect what a great country we have ....
" Least we forget "
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Ta Da !!!!
Okay , maybe not the greatest title but if I don't get enough sleep , I get goofy ! As you can see , I got my BLOG back .... with a few changes and still a few quirks to work out ! Change is good and at least I have color and my BLINKIE to Little Stamp Shoppe back on ! Just click on it and you will be taken to Heidi's online store for the greatest Magnolia stamps ! As a matter of fact , she got in her Christmas 2009 shipment and has just uploaded them to her site . All I will say is .... SO ADDICTIVE !!!! LOL !
Well I started physio on my thumb and I sure hope it starts working really quick as I have projects I really wanted to get done over the next couple of weeks . The physiotherapist figures I have done damage to the tendon and ligament in my right thumb because of using it too much for something ( shhhh , we wouldn't tell about the 200 circles I punched out ! OOPS ! )and it just keeps irritating it . He described it as a piece of thread with a knot in it trying to go through a small hole ..... and fraying as it does .... which in turn is causing the knuckle to " hinge " ( not the proper term but you get the idea ! ) Sooooo , I am supposed to rest the silly thing .... but can you here my Copics and stamps calling to me ? Where is the duct tape ?
DH got home tonight from a business trip and has been away all week . busy weekend ahead so I will sign off for now and hope over the next few days I can get the glitches off of here so I can post photos again ( yes , I just realized that and my easy link buttons are missing ! )
Have a great weekend everybody .... and stay healthy ! H1N1 is starting to rear it's ugly head in our area so I hope it stays out of our house and yours !
Well I started physio on my thumb and I sure hope it starts working really quick as I have projects I really wanted to get done over the next couple of weeks . The physiotherapist figures I have done damage to the tendon and ligament in my right thumb because of using it too much for something ( shhhh , we wouldn't tell about the 200 circles I punched out ! OOPS ! )and it just keeps irritating it . He described it as a piece of thread with a knot in it trying to go through a small hole ..... and fraying as it does .... which in turn is causing the knuckle to " hinge " ( not the proper term but you get the idea ! ) Sooooo , I am supposed to rest the silly thing .... but can you here my Copics and stamps calling to me ? Where is the duct tape ?
DH got home tonight from a business trip and has been away all week . busy weekend ahead so I will sign off for now and hope over the next few days I can get the glitches off of here so I can post photos again ( yes , I just realized that and my easy link buttons are missing ! )
Have a great weekend everybody .... and stay healthy ! H1N1 is starting to rear it's ugly head in our area so I hope it stays out of our house and yours !
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Please bear with me ......
I have been fiddling with my BLOG .... and being I am NOT computer sauvy ..... have screwed something ( okay , a lot ) up with it ! I lost my BLINKY for Little Stamp Shoppe but as soon as I figure out HOW to get it back , how to get my background back ( or changed ! ) it will all be good ! So bear with me ( especially Heidi after I told her I HAD posted said BLINKIE !!! ) .......................... hopefully I will get this all changed back before I turn 80 !!!!!
Monthy challenge for Little Stamp Shoppe
Heidi from Little Stamp Shoppe issued a November challenge with a great stamp giveaway at the end of the month . The challenge is to use a Magnolia image and make a Christmas card with not typical colors ( no red nor green ) and then link it to her store blog for a double entry this month if you add her blinkie in your side bar ! She also has requested that you don't your use entries with other store or blog challenges which works well for me .... I just think it is only fair ! LOL !
So here is my non-typical colored card using Tilda & the Magnolia Christmas ornament
So here is my non-typical colored card using Tilda & the Magnolia Christmas ornament
I used a fancy embossed card I had sitting in my stash for this one and then handcut the inside out and then mounted some OLD WORLD patterned carstock underneath before mounting Tilda in Christmas stockings and the Christmas ornament . The ornament was colored with my Copic markers and then sprayed with Tattered Angles Glimmer Mist to make it sparkly ( not that it shows here ! ) . Tilda was colored with Copic markers and highlighted with Atyou Spica glitter pens !
Sorry for the horrible cutting job on all of my card this time but I am having a flare-up of arthritis in my right thumb which is not helping any for cuttting ! I am not quitting though ..... just working through the pain !!! LOL !
Happy creating and hope that we see some fabulous cards this round as we do every month on Little Stamp Shoppe
Just Magnolia ....... Monochrome challenge
I just love that this blog Just Magnolia is giving me some great inspiration . This weeks challenge was MONOCHROME which had some leighway given as you could use white as well . Monochromatic is shades of one color ...... fun to work with this one for sure and I actually had to really stretch my brain to do this !
Tilda and Edwin skating were the perfect choice for this card !
I also love looking at all the entries for inspiration . too bad that some people don't follow directions properly as they have been asked to use just Magnolia stamps for their main image . Beautiful cards by everybody but I have also seen some images that definately are not Magnolia !
Have another wonderful week of creating people !
Tilda and Edwin skating were the perfect choice for this card !
I also love looking at all the entries for inspiration . too bad that some people don't follow directions properly as they have been asked to use just Magnolia stamps for their main image . Beautiful cards by everybody but I have also seen some images that definately are not Magnolia !
Have another wonderful week of creating people !
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