Life here has been quiet for the past week or so since DH got home from his " Big White Hunting Trip " with our " boys " . This is the first year they got " skunked " and came home empty handed . I don't know whether they were upset about it as they still had a great time . It was the first time I could honestly say I could hardly wait for them to come home too ! I don't do " BORED " well ! Besides the fact we had a few very wet snowfalls that I could not shovel so it piled up , froze and then melted and created a whole lot of ice .............. on our driveway ! For those of you that don't know , our driveway has an incline on it so when it is icy , it is a BITCH to say the least !!!! I hate ice , I hate the fear of falling and most of all , I hate my driveway at any time of the year !!!!
Anyways , DH arrived home safe and sound so we spent one day doing laundry and he was a big help being I couldn't fold nor do any ironing ( yes , I am blessed with a man that likes to have his bluejeans and his shirts pressed ! Lucky ME ..... NOT ! ) . When all was said and done by Monday morning he wasn't well and never made it back to his office until Thursday . No he didn't have piggy flu but other problems related to the Crohn's disease . Wednesday morning found him in the X-ray department as the specialist was checking for a blockage ! By early evening we found out that wasn't the problem which was a HUGE relief as he would have been in surgery immediately !!!! Fortunately some added meds helped him feel more human and he did manage to go back to work for Thursday and Friday . He feels so guilty when he doesn't make it in and that just creates more of a problem for him healthwise ........ it is a vicious cycle !
I am still taking physio for my thumb .... it is slowly starting to feel better and I am actually able to move it some now . Hopefully by the end of next week it will feel even better ! I did go spend an afternoon trying to make a birthday card but it was slow going and I was in pain come evening .... but it is liveable now and the light is at the end of the tunnel !!!
I am off to see 3 of the Grandkids tomorrow for a few days . #2 granddaughter is celebrating her 13th birthday on Tuesday ! Seems like just yesterday she was fighting to come into this world and now she is becoming a teenager * snicker * .................... I think she will give her Mother a run for her money the same as her Mother gave us ! LOL ! I am hoping the weather will stay fairly nice for my visit as we hope to get some shopping in .... still have Christmas presents to buy !
Have a great week and hope everybody finds time to relax and enjoy life !!!
About Me

- Donna C
- BC, Canada
- I have been married to the same guy for a LONG time ! We have 3 grown children and the 5 loves of our lives that they have given us ... 4 girls and one boy ! I have been crafting all my life and found my true addiction when I taught myself to use Copic Markers and introduced them into my card making ! I am NOT certified in the use of Copics but that doesn't stop me from creating with them ! I always been a bit of a crafting rebel and don't follow directions well !I love crafting with my hands and seldom will you find them idle as they usually have a crochet hook , knitting needles or a book in them . Exercise is not my strong suit ! LOL ! My husband and I also love camping in our RV ( weather permitting ... as in NO snow !) so most weekends from Spring to Fall you find us camped somewhere with our 3 Yorkies .... though don't tell them they aren't BIG dogs ! Hope you enjoy my little touch of my life .... the creative and the real life !
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