Crazy weather hit July 5th , 2009 where we are camping . Thunder and lightening

built around us all day and at 4 pm the sky opened up over us and let us know who was the BOSS ! For over an hour we had torrential downpouring with some hail thrown in for good measure ! It was crazy ! The owners flowerbeds were under water and we knicknamed it Canyon Creek Campround Lake .... even some crazy Canadian Geese with 3 goslings were going to check it out untill Momma Goose headed them all back into the creek when something scared here .

At the end of the storm the ski cleared off and by the weekend we were back into the 20 c degree weather and sun . We have never seen it rain so much here while we camped but the flowers all survived and they are no worse for wear other then some holey leaves from the hail and a few knocked off flowers .
A little rain and hail with thunder and lightening made for an interesting day and at least it wasn't a tornedo or hurricane or snow ................................ LOL !
Never underestimate Mother Nature !

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