About Me

My photo
BC, Canada
I have been married to the same guy for a LONG time ! We have 3 grown children and the 5 loves of our lives that they have given us ... 4 girls and one boy ! I have been crafting all my life and found my true addiction when I taught myself to use Copic Markers and introduced them into my card making ! I am NOT certified in the use of Copics but that doesn't stop me from creating with them ! I always been a bit of a crafting rebel and don't follow directions well !I love crafting with my hands and seldom will you find them idle as they usually have a crochet hook , knitting needles or a book in them . Exercise is not my strong suit ! LOL ! My husband and I also love camping in our RV ( weather permitting ... as in NO snow !) so most weekends from Spring to Fall you find us camped somewhere with our 3 Yorkies .... though don't tell them they aren't BIG dogs ! Hope you enjoy my little touch of my life .... the creative and the real life !

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Do you want to see ?

 I got behind last week on my Easter cards and probably most of them will not get done now ! I started cleaning my room and it ended up into a major overhaul which , in true scrapping sense , will still be on going .... simply because I have 2 huge piles that have to gone through and either stored , given away or tossed ! I had an old small wall unit in my room before that though it was great for storage it also took up far too much room . Never mind the microwave cart that I had my paper cutter and Big Shot on plus another cart that I had my printer on .... and various OTHER pieces of furniture in my small 8'X12' room .... and that is counting the closet that is full to the brim with DH's clothes ..... and jackets ! The man is a clothes horse .... but THAT is another story !!!! LOL ! I had a couple friends that asked me to post some photos of what I have done .... so before it gets " out of hand " AGAIN here it is !

I didn't take any before photos but somewhere in my archieve will be photos ! Here is what my ORIGINAL room looked like in 2006 http://donnacr.blogspot.com/2006_09_01_archive.html ! Needless to say , I took some birthday money and bought some Martha Stewart cube units from Home Depot as we don't have an IKEA here and the shipping was 6Xs more then the price of the unit I wanted !!!  A one day project took me 5 days .....as I put all the units together .... they are easy ! I had my desk and hutch before and purchased it and a tower from Best Scrapbook Shelves over the past 5 years . I LOVE these and they are so worth the money ....... By the way , the price has gone down CONSIDERABLY since I bought mine !!! Yes , that is just the way the ball bounces for me ! LOL !

I have a paper tower also made by Best Scrapbook Shelves and it was a limited edition one when I bought it ...... No crazy about it in my small room and may end up removing it from my room . The Copic storage is Quickutz Magpie Storage .... LOVE them and something else that is no longer available ! My long arm OTT light usually is bent over my desk but I put it straight up to take the picture ! LOVE this light !!! I love containers .... as you can tell by my desk ! LOL ! They hold all sorts of goodies from paper pads , images , stamps , pens or whatever I toss in them ! I do actually clean them out on a regular bases so I can see what has been tossed ! My quilting mat never got used for such but has been well used on my desk ! I neeed to find a pretty pink one though ! LOL !

One of my Martha Stewart cube units ... actually this is 2 put together ! I do love this for storage ! It holds all sorts of trasures from my albums of Magnolia stamps , more stamps in other albums , Close To My Hearts tool kit that holds my STICKLES all neat and in one place , baskets of punches on the bottom and a scrap basket .... and baskets of CTMH stamps . The plastic tower holds ribbon , more punches , acrylic paints and odds and sods that need to be hidden ( like chocolate ! LOL ) . On top of the storage tower I dismanteled a drawer for the cube unit ( I picked it up for $5 at Walmart and it didn't fit quit the way I wanted it too ) then took white DUCK TAPE and taped it to the plastic unit to make a sturdy stand for my TV ( a gift from DH at Christmas ) and the cable box . I actually used a MS shelf over the top of the " box " to give the shelve a sturdier shelf as the base of the drawer was pretty flimsy ) .

This is the second Martha Stewart cube unit ( 6-cube ) which I have my electric BIGSHOT on .... and it I am so pleased with the space I have to work with there ! I built the unit up so the heaat vent wasn't covered and that is why you can see 2X4's ! Hey a girl has to make do when DH is anything but handy !! LOL ! I have a basket of Cuttlebug folders , some CTMH stamp containers that I keep my 6X6" paper in and some Magnolia Stamps  and I have a long plastic container that hold my BigShot long dies and platforms / shims  in . The white basket holds dies for the BigShot .... most of them being Tim Holtz ! The small white box on the top of the unit holds my Copic refills .

Just a quick overview from my doorway ...... and at some point I will show you the other wall ....... AFTER I get it cleaned up ! LOL ! It holds a cartthat has my printer and cutter on it .... and my biggest joy , my stamp tower .... and Clip-It up !!!

 Thanks for looking and come visit any time !


  1. Thank you! I LOVE to be nosey ... so when someone OFFERS to let me peek ... OH BOY!

    Your space looks fantastic!

  2. Hi Donna,
    Love your crafty set-up. Thanks for sharing. BTW you have great taste in blog backgrounds... I have the same one!
    Have popped over from the Outlawz and am following you now.
    Susan xxox

  3. WOW you have a lot of STUFF!! This is so cool tho. I love those MS cubes. You can see so much and I will always use what I can see. Hope you had a Happy EASTER!

  4. Love your space! I just read Dana's comment and she answered my question.....the copic storage is no longer made. Bummer!

  5. holy scrappin momma ~ look at all those pens..and all those scrappy goodies...wowza!
    yep...and i'm lovin the look of you blog, too..yummy...so refreshing!
